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LS. College

L.S. College curriculum

Japanese course

We value four skills in Japanese language education.

There are abundant curricula tailored for every student's level. On your first day, you will take a level check test, after which you can create and adapt your own curriculum.

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御殿場は首都圏からアクセスが便利で、緑豊かな自然に囲まれた大変住みやすい地域です。 巨大ショッピングモールや、広大な敷地を使った施設、富士山を間近に望む温泉など、いろんな観光スポットとしても有名です。

What is Gotemba like?
Gotemba is conveniently accessible from the metropolitan area and is a very livable area surrounded by lush nature. It is famous for its large shopping mall, extensive infrastructure, hot springs, vicinity to Mt. Fuji and many sightseeing spots.

  1. 文法    日常的な日本語の文章を上手にまとめる学習

  2. 読解    文章の内容を読み取る力を養います

  3. 長文/検定  自分の伝えたい内容、言い回しの学習。総合的な検定試験

  4. 聴解  スムーズなコミュニケーションのためのリスニング力を高めます

Grammar - Learning to understand the structure of everyday Japanese sentences.

Kanji/Reading comprehension - Learning Kanji increases your ability to read and understand written Japanese.

Long text/Test - Understanding how to write longer and more complex Japanese sentences. Writing comprehension test.

Listening Comprehension - Correctly understanding spoken Japanese is essential for smooth communication.

海外からの学生 サポート・サービス 
Service and support for international students
  1. アドバイス カウンセラーが留学前準備、不安や疑問・質問に対して丁寧にお答えします。

  2. 各種手続き 留学ビザ手配、住居紹介、就労支援またはインターンシップなど、慣れない国では大変な手続きも代行しますので、スムーズに学習が始められます。

  3. 観光情報  日本語

  4. を勉強しながら風土に触れ、楽しみの一つになるような観光地や美味しいレストランなど最新の情報をお届けします。

A study abroad counselor will give advice about preparation and study anxiety, and will answer any questions before you go abroad.

Visa arrangements, housing, employment support (such as internships, etc.), and other formal procedures will be taken care of so that your studies can begin smoothly. While you study Japanese culture, we will deliver up-to-date information about sightseeing spots and delicious restaurants.

Why Little Star? 充実サポート










Multinational counselors will fully support studying, living and finding employment in Japan.

When traveling to another country for the first time, especially for an extended period, language, people and culture are all examples of the many concerns that may face international students.
Little Star has many years of experience in English conversation classes, and employs full time staff and instructors with a multinational background. We will offer information and support for students.


Japanese only policy

In the classroom, we have a strict Japanese language only policy. This enforces that students speak Japanese on a daily basis, and aims to improve language ability.

Learning to live/Practical Japanese training

We have a wide range of practical training and English conversational training, after school children's club, a staff service department, and external partners. You will be able to learn about life in Japan outside the classroom during your study abroad. After completing one course (three months duration), you can take the LS language test. Those passing the test and a job interview will be offered work.

Just studying is a waste! 勉強だけはもったいない!


ハロウィン、クリスマスパーティ、サマースクール、ボランティア体験、Speech Contest(日本語部門)などの楽しいイベントがあります。

Through fun events and recreation, the Japanese language can be approached from many angles.

There will be multiple fun and engaging events: Christmas Party, Summer School, Volunteer Experience, Speech Contest (Japan).

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